Traffic optimization: more than smart traffic lights
On August 5, 1914, the first traffic light was set in Cleveland, USA. It had red and green lights, and when the light was switched it gave a sound signal. Modern smart traffic lights, by integrating with video surveillance systems, reduce travel time by a quarter and help reduce emissions by 21%.
Do you know how they work?
The algorithm is quite simple:
– The road situation is analyzed with the help of video surveillance system.
– When a cluster of cars or pedestrians is detected in the relevant area – a traffic optimization plan is generated.
– Depending on the situation, the controller, which is responsible for coordinating traffic light signals, receives the appropriate command.
– The traffic lights automatically switch on the corresponding light and the command to change a work of traffic lights on neighboring intersections.
Today, this scheme of smart traffic lights is actively supplemented by audio analytics systems – for priority transit of special vehicles with car sirens, as well as algorithms for recognizing public transport and road accidents – to optimize traffic and prevent traffic collapse.
The use of intelligent analytical systems on the streets is no a distant future, but a current necessity to ensure the proper level of the city’s main transport arteries safety.